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HRS Developer's Profile

Manzoor Alam was born in Bangladesh. He came to Finland at the end of 1982 to continue his education in the University of Helsinki. He received Licenciate Degree in Social Sciences from the Helsinki University in 1986 and Doctor Social Sciences Degree from the same university in 1990. Dr. Alam became the Docent in Public Administration (Political Science Department) in the University of Helsinki in 1999.

He has published a number of books and articles in the fields of public administration, civil service reforms, good governance, comparative public management, local government development, training and evaluation.

He has worked with various national and international organisations dealing with public management development. He is actively engaged with different reputed management consulting firms and worked for Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance. He is working now on 'quality, satisfaction and trust in service delivery of public organisations'. His contribution in developing correlation between 'personnel satisfaction and production increase' created a great deal of interest in the media and institutions. 

His present interest is 'Analysing public personnel management in the EU countries'. He is currently working on human resource positioning system - to identify problem areas and recovery planning of the personnel system of an organisation. The aim is to resolve various personnel problems and to guide organisations towards concrete results i.e., to increase satisfaction, profits, and service efficiency.  

He has a vision of a world - with no boundaries, no barriers, justice and freedom to all mankind. A world, where people will support each other without any prejudice and share happiness and sadness together.

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