Focus: The
aim of the research was to analyse the local government development and
specially the community development and mass-participation in rural
Bangladesh. The study focus was also to explore the idea of 'Gram
Sarkar' or village self-government; its various principals and working
philosophy. The study also intended to analyse the various
organisational and developmental aspects of the Gram Sarkar', it's
practical applicability and impacts, and to explore possibilities to
apply the 'model' in other countries.
The research on 'Gram Sarkar' or 'village
self-government' reveals a wider spectrum of local development
possibilities and strength of community based work in the developing
countries. It also points out the alternative possibilities of
development in the developing countries.
The study results indicate that in most functional
areas of the ''Gram Sarkar' - it has achieved a tremendous results. From
education development to small cottage industries formation; agriculture
productivity increase to women empowerment; health consciousness to
family planning - the 'village self-government' system has laid very
positive impacts. Most of all it has created 'a sense of importance' and
believes that the rural community can change their lives if they work