HRS method works?
The HRS method is a participatory
process to:
Identify vision, strategies and
personnel aspiration in a simple and focused way.
Analyse strategies for development
from the personnel point of view - who know their organisation and work
place better than anyone
Identify gaps between management
strategies & personnel expectations.
Suggest a specific 'action programme'
for improvement.
Provides an evaluation plan.
method is based on a simple theory.
efficiency (E) of any organisation
depends on man, material, and their use. Thus, the efficiency level (El) of an organisation
depends on the positive mode or negative mode (+ or -) of the 'satisfaction
level' (Sl) of employees.
other words, the 'output level' (Ol)
of an organisation depends on the correlation of the 'efficiency
level' and 'satisfaction level' of
the employees.
may depict the situation in the following ways:
